Saturday, September 3, 2011


When Talan was a baby, I must have taken him on some kind of outing nearly every day.  I always wanted to be busy and never wanted to be stuck at home with an energetic 1 year old.  We went to every park, zoo, farm, museum in the Bay Area...every week.  I spoiled him. Of course he was constantly engaged and stimulated which is what toddlers need.  And I am forever thankful for all of that one on one time that we had together for 4 years. 
I mention all of this because having 2 children now...well...that desire to have to go, go, go, busy, busy, busy every day...well that has fizzled a little bit.  I'm not saying I don't take them on outings, but that feeling of having to be constantly somewhere is less apparent of late.  I value more now being at home and just playing and being imaginative at home with what we have....I have days of feeling cooped up and crazy-eyed with annoyance or frustration with the monotony of course, don't get me wrong! It certainly helps the baby having a big brother to follow around!  
On this particular day they were so focused and busy "painting" and washing their little playhouse! I love watching them being busy together, not just because it allows me to be able to read a magazine, but more so because they have such a blast doing it!


My big boy on the first day of kindergarten at Sakamoto Elementary School!  He chose his outfit of course,  stating with conviction that this made him look "Cool" and insisted on not needing a jacket because that would cover up his "awesome" shirt! Clearly he was supposed to start 9th grade instead!

Helmet Head

My little T is now 17 months and growing up so fast, I can hardly keep up! He is of course his big brother's shadow and wants to do everything just like him.  He is starting to say so many more words, usually he'll try a word once if you ask him, than he makes a silly face and starts his babble again! But he's trying and before we know it, we'll be wishing he was quiet again:) He loves animals just like Talan so animal sounds are high on the list of our life soundtrack these days. His favorites animals to play with, of which we have a massive bin of them thanks to Talan, seem to be giraffe(do they even have a sound?!), macaws, cow, reindeer, and hippo(he says "Bippo").  He climbed up the stair on Talan's loft bed the other day,  Jason and I were playing on the floor next to the bed and we look up at a baby with the proudest grin on his face! So there's no turning back in the climbing department, although he has yet to discover how to climb out of his crib, and for that I am thankful.  Talan figured that out at 13 months old which landed him in a toddler bed far too soon than I was ready for! For a baby he seems to be eating us out of house and home! He can eat nearly anything you present him, including ribs which for having still just 4 teeth is quite a challenge. He LOVES fruit, anything with lots of sauce and flavorings, and will try whatever we offer him.  He adores looking at birds, reading about birds, and making bird sounds! And now that Big T is back in school, we have more one-on-one time together and I look forward to beach trips and play dates just the two of us!

Here are some photos of the little man wearing his brother's bike helmet...