When Talan was a baby, I must have taken him on some kind of outing nearly every day. I always wanted to be busy and never wanted to be stuck at home with an energetic 1 year old. We went to every park, zoo, farm, museum in the Bay Area...every week. I spoiled him. Of course he was constantly engaged and stimulated which is what toddlers need. And I am forever thankful for all of that one on one time that we had together for 4 years.
I mention all of this because having 2 children now...well...that desire to have to go, go, go, busy, busy, busy every day...well that has fizzled a little bit. I'm not saying I don't take them on outings, but that feeling of having to be constantly somewhere is less apparent of late. I value more now being at home and just playing and being imaginative at home with what we have....I have days of feeling cooped up and crazy-eyed with annoyance or frustration with the monotony of course, don't get me wrong! It certainly helps the baby having a big brother to follow around!
On this particular day they were so focused and busy "painting" and washing their little playhouse! I love watching them being busy together, not just because it allows me to be able to read a magazine, but more so because they have such a blast doing it!