Tuesday, January 11, 2011

I sort of miss it...

We have been out of our condo and living at my parents house for 9 weeks now, and are feeling very comfortable in our new "Flat" as we like to call it. We have lots of space in our four rooms - the boys each have their own bedroom, and the fourth room is our living room/Jason's man-cave with his VIP recliner! How I was able to cram all of their clothes and toys in one dresser and closet is really a mystery to me, as we sure have spread ourselves out so easily with all of the extra space! It is really amazing having my parents around so much, I love that they get to see so much of TnT and all of the cute and new things they do all of the time. And I'm not gonna lie - if I mention needing to shower or run an errand, and they offer to watch the kids, I am so incredibly appreciative, and it's just really helpful. It's nice to do those mundane tasks without the thoughts of keeping the kids, you know, safe or occupied. Celebrating the holidays and birthdays all together in one house was extra special this year too. I continue to feel really content with this decision.

However, a very small part of me certainly misses living in our own little home with the just the 4 of us. After all, it was our first home that Jason and I bought as newlyweds, just 10 months after getting married. We had big moments in that place, bringing our 2 babies home certainly being the best of them! After 7 years in the condo, I had finally gotten it as organized as possible and created the best functionality I could with the space. Those of you out there know what I mean when I say that organization and functionality in a home are key in helping get through the day with less headaches or frustration. I miss the comfort of the living room that I always thought was too small, my big ol' closet all to myself, the smell of T's bedroom, a garage for my car, and the Daphne in the backyard that was my most successful planting (it should be getting ready to bloom soon).

But I know that "Forever" home is out there, and when the time comes, we will find it, and I will I miss our first home a little less.

In this photo Little T was actually helping me pack the Tupperware for our move! During the month of October when I began packing is when he became super mobile, crawling around everywhere, and standing to cruise! And he's wearing my favorite submarine outfit of his, from Auntie Aleyta!

I wish I could say it was super hot this day, but it really is because my kids don't like to wear shirts, regardless of the temperature! This one was taken a few days before we moved out...They loved playing at the bottom of the stairwell together.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Those photos are really cute. What nice brothers they are turning out to be already.