Monday, May 4, 2009

Our day at the "New-Zeum"

T in all his puffy, snot-nosed glory! Story to follow...

So it has been a very long time since I blogged! It seems weeks have passed and I haven't had a moment so here I am finally having time...and I can't think of what to write. Not that I ever have anything witty to say! But I am trying to recall what I have been doing for the last 3 weeks!

T had his worst cold ever at the beginning of the month. Now don't get me wrong, colds are expected to be misery but in his short 3 years of life, he had never had more than a few days of runny nose and congested nights, while everyone else around him was coughing and hacking. I remember "knocking on wood" just days before he came down with this cold, as I told my sister-in-law that T has never had a cough before. I speak to parents every day about their children who have terrible cold-related coughs, and who are desperately inquiring on how to make the cough disappear so everyone in the house can get a good nights rest. And I always tell myself that my little guy is such a tough cookie to have overcome so many cold viruses without so much as a throat clearing sound.
So sure enough he developed his first phlegmy cough with this virus, it caused him to gag on the mucous every time(as he is a gaggy boy in general), and vomit once due to gagging. But true to his tough nature, he always had a positive attitude even despite a week and a half of sleepless nights.

One endearing story during this time was when T asked me to come to his room one morning. With a big proud smile on his face, he says "Mommy? come with me to the New Zeum"....He had carefully placed all of his dinosaurs and animals in very specific positions on his floor, and proceeded to show me around his self-created museum, he let me pet the animals, and attempted to describe and present each one of them...He explained that the sea animals like to eat mussels and crabs, and showed me how a Brachiosaurus eats out of trees because "it's a Long-neck." I am amazed at the new ways his imagination and creativity grow with his age! I felt such pride as a mommy, hearing him as the curator of his own New-Zeum!

2 days after his cold had diminished, he woke up around 2 am with a 103 fever. It lasted about 5.5hrs, I had the bucket ready as he is usually nauseated by fevers, but he got through with flying colors. He was fairly talkative, and goofy at times even! I don't give him anti-pyretics for a fever, as a fever is helpful for his immune system to fight off infection. So we watched a movie for distraction, I don't remember what now as I was half asleep anyway, but eventually he fell off to sleep, and woke up an hour later, saying "Mommy I had a nice nap," asking for breakfast, and going on with his normal am routine. At the onset of the fever I was prepared to consider bringing him in for an appt, in suspect of a possible ear infection only because of the recent URI, but he never c/o ear pain that morning, and his behavior was completely normal after the fever broke, so needless to say nothing ever came from the fever. Thankful, I have such a healthy, thriving son.

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