Monday, June 14, 2010

3 months

Tanner is now 3 months old.....WHHHAATT?! Where does the time go and why so fast? He is really chunking up at 13 lbs. now, making up for his 5 lb. start! Do you see those cheeks? He is developing his little personality, he likes to be socialize and watch T and his friends play...he kicks his legs so fast and gets excited watching the big kids! He loves to coo and talk, especially when T or my Dad sings to him. When he is hungry he needs to eat like 10 minutes ago!! So he really fusses and cries if that doesn't happen fast enough. And lo and behold, turning 3 months old has flipped on his day and night switch - for the past 3 nights he has slept about 5-6 hrs. straight!!! I have felt very energized these last few days for sure, with all my extra sleep but am just enjoying it while it lasts because as we all know baby sleep patterns change constantly.

Big T continues to just love on his little brother all day long...if the baby cries he soothes him and tells him "It's okay baby brother, Mommy's here, Talan's here, we're almost home..." He loves to give him the pacifier any time Tanner makes even as much as a whimper. I try to explain that it's not a plug, that sometimes the baby doesn't always like it, but if Tanner stops fussing with the pacifier, T recognizes that he has comforted the baby and feels really proud of himself. He sings to the baby often, sometimes he makes up songs, or he loves Old Macdonald the most. When Tanner sees his big brother he always gets the biggest smile....that melts me!

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