Thursday, June 24, 2010

Father's Day

We spent Father's Day morning having breakfast at John's XLNT Food in Willow Glen with Jason's parents and brother. Then we took T to see Toy Story 3 - great movie, loved it! That afternoon, Jason's sister came to SJ with her boys and they played in the backyard blow-up pool. And finally we ended the day at my parents house, where my Mom made Thanksgiving dinner, mostly for my Uncle Gary who misses my Mom's cooking on Thanksgiving now that he lives in TN.
Mitch and T

Here is Thomas racing, in his own way, into the pool! It was more like a leisurely stroll to the pool but he likes to take his time in measured steps!

Mitch preparing for his blast-off!

Here are T's feet!

Spencer in his favorite position

We didn't know they would be swimming, which is why my son is in his O.K. undies!
This one will embarrass him someday!

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