Wednesday, February 2, 2011

What's that in your hand?

10 months is a fun age. Now that Little T is walking he is constantly exploring the house, getting into IT ALL! My favorite part of this stage is that he always has to walk around with something in his hand - it's very important for him to travel grasping an object. I find myself asking him often, "What does Tanner have in his hand today?" He always looks at me as if he understands and wants to display his object proudly. Often he carries around this toothbrush shown below. Other favorite objects include his coveted pacifier, a slinky, one of his plastic animals, one of my wooden bracelets, a DVD he was given for Christmas (yes he always gets the same one!), a plastic teething ring, and one morning it was a tampon!
This is my drawer that he knows he's allowed to play in. It contains my bracelets, brushes, and headbands....this keeps him occupied for quite some time. The best part is looking at him on his tippy toes to reach inside! I tried to get a picture of it above but his pant cuff is so big.

Upside down with the toothbrush he just wouldn't part with

This is his busy place, leaning up against one of my clothes boxes in my closet. Why he likes it here I have no clue. But he gets a kick out of lounging back against the box just chillin'.

If anything he is developing an appreciation for good hygiene I guess

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