Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Shoe Obsessed, Just Like His Mommy

Tanner has recently become very interested in shoes, and not just his own, but making sure everyone has shoes on, even if they belong to someone else, he's at your feet trying to put them on for you. He spends time in my closet playing in my shoe boxes while I'm fussing around doing things, and he loves to pull out multiple pairs at a time and makes me put them on and walk around with them...even if one is a leopard print pump and the other is a strappy rhinestone sandal, I'll hobble around with them together only for him! More importantly though, he knows that putting shoes on means going OUTSIDE! Playing outside is his favorite thing to do like most 1 year olds, rain or shine, if there is daylight he has his nose to the door with his shoes in hand, asking to put them on so he can play! And similar to how I was with Big T, I can't help buying him shoes, since little boy shoes are so freakin' adorable.  These gray Converse are his favorite I think, not only because his Auntie Kate bought them, but they are the fastest to put on to get him where he wants to go!  He also went through a phase of wearing some Navy Snow Boots that are two sizes too big, yet for some reason I never took a picture of him stumbling about while wearing them. It really is true what everyone says, the second child never has nearly as many pictures as your first, even if I told myself to make a conscious effort to do otherwise. 


I love this last photo, you can't see it but he's smiling at his shoe because he adores them that much!

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