Sunday, March 15, 2009

"Little Cube"

Jason and I FINALLY attended his company party this Saturday, after several years of unsuccessful urging and begging on everyone else's part to convince Jas he would have a good time. The theme was decades of dance and music, or some variation of such cheesiness. So I decided on 80's prom/rocker chic in an all black ruffled taffeta and lace number... keep in mind that I rarely get dressed up for Halloween let alone any other reason so this was my first grown-up costume party if you will so I naturally gravitated towards a girly 80's outfit! I had a blast shopping at Moon Zoom of San Carlos in San Jose - such an awesome store in general, with an unbelievable selection of authentic clothing from many eras, mostly 50's through 90's, but most importantly the entire top floor devoted to 80's name it they had it - spandex unitards, poofy prom dresses, sequin tube tops, stonewashed denim, tracksuits. I could have played there all day, unfortunately T didn't find this selection nearly as exciting, so I grabbed what I could.
Jas went as Ice Cube (all his idea, I had no say whatsoever, his favorite genre of music and time period also.) So we made quite an unlikely to come eventually! We had a really great time at the party, played poker, hung-out with Jason's sister and brother-in law who works for Air Systems also, and I was able to meet many of Jas's co-workers for the first time. Not to mention that this was our first date in months so this was long overdue!

T saw the wig Friday and immediately had to wear it! Here he is working the pik

Little Ice Cube, Jason named him
Fluffing his curls!

Friday, we had a playdate with Shelley and her Baby G. She is due to have her baby in 2 weeks although I believe it will be sooner! We walked to the neighborhood park and had a really great time visiting. T found a headlamp and wanted to show the light to the baby...this was so cute to see! I am so excited for Shelley to join the new Mommy club and to share our new experiences with each other for years to come!

Our closeup...a little too much of me in the shot, sorry!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OhMy this is so cute!
I met Shelley when she was 12 and I was 13. Seems like ages and ages ago. Congrats, Shell, you are going to be a great mommy!!