Friday, March 20, 2009

Shrench Fries

T has a bit of trouble with the FR or TR sounds as most children do at some point, so french fries, is pronounced SHrench fries!
Here is evidence of the total elation he experiences when he eats them!
Here's a topic for discussion: I remember clearly stating at some point during my pregnancy that "my child will eat whatever I give him." I would be a diet full of fruits/veggies/whole grains, include a large variety and I would prevent him from being picky like I was and would not fall into the trap of fast food, snacky foods, or unhealthy foods! Now as I have mentioned before, T has been a picky eater since the early stages of baby foods around 6-8 months. At that age even then, he would stare for minutes at the colorful mush I put on his tray, before bending his nose towards it to sniff, and occasionally grasp it in his chubby little had to lick it with his tongue...he hasn't failed to continue with this behavior ever since. And believe me, I know that babies need to be offered foods at least 10-15 times before they are often inclined to try it let alone like it...I give this advice every day. T however is not only picky but gaggy - many new foods end up being chokes on or vomited all over my table so you know as a mom I've had to pick and choose my battles. Does he eat fruits? no. He loved them as a baby in mushy jar form, but not as whole fruit. Do I offer them? - yes, I eat fruit myself almost every day. But he eats almost all vegetables, with carrots being the most difficult still. I give him only whole grain products for the most part, with the exception of a lazy Kraft mac days which Jason loves also! He isn't big on sandwiches which has slowly been improving as of late, or condiments which I still am not either. But he loves anything with sauces, shockingly as I didn't eat spaghetti with pasta sauce until I was 18 years old or so! Sad but true.
Now on to french fries...I remember the first time he had one, we had finished a morning of shopping at the Gilroy outlets and I was craving fries and a strawberry milkshake- I believe he was around 2 yrs.old and he called from the backseat, "Mommy I want", showing some interest, so with a guilty hand I let him try one. He of course naturally loved them and probably had 5 more until I distracted him with snap peas. And ever since that time, when we DRIVE by a fast food restaurant he has pointed and known that is where fries some from. Now to be honest I really don't have fast food that often maybe a handful of times a year if that, and so thankfully I haven't given in so much to the temptation that so many families give in to - rightly so, the food is inexpensive, quick and typically tastes really good! When we eat out I always order some vegetable if available to accompany his chicken or pasta dish, but man I just can't get rid of the guilt that comes with his love of french's my fault he loves something so unhealthy! In the last few weeks he has finally shown a liking to sweet potato fries from Trader Joe's so those are a better option. And when I make fries at home, they are the frozen one's from Trader Joe's in my attempt to make a "healthy version."
Thoughts and opinions welcome

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