Hi. I'm still here. I haven't fallen into a deep dark abyss. It's been weeks since I've blogged, I know, and it feels like so much has happened since my last one. For starters, I'm done complaining about my sleep deprivation. (Unless you're my mom or sister of course:) I know I'm not alone is this and I feel like I'm adapting the best I can to a maximum of 3 hours of sleep a day. So we're all getting through this as best we can...Mommy isn't always so pleasant and can easily cry at any moment, but when I look at my boys, I can forget all about my moody sleepless fog. They are beautiful, and precious, and perfect to me.
One thing is for sure... I am so deeply in awe of my little Tanner. After all, we get to spend a lot of time together during our night time nursing and chat sessions. At 7 weeks, he is becoming so much more engaged in his surroundings. He is smiling, especially just after he eats. And he coos here and there, which makes my heart melt every time and I nearly cry and get all lip quivery! He definitely recognizes my voice....when he sits on my lap facing away from me and he hears me talking, he twists his head around to try to face me. He has rolled over a few times already!! He somehow pushes himself onto his side by pushing up with his feet than he slowly topples around. It's so amazing. He's strong just like his big brother. (T rolled over at his 4 day old newborn check up!!) When we burp him, he pushes up with his legs to stand, and he holds his head up on his own for longer periods. I can't believe we are almost at the two-month mark!
A few weeks back, sometime around 5 weeks old, I noticed that Tanner's spitting up had increased. He had been a spitter upper right from the start, but by 5 weeks his symptoms began to change. The amount increased, and he began spitting up long after he was done eating. When he did spit up, his face would turn bright red and he would cry, like he was in pain. It would often be clear and bubbly fluid. After he would eat, he would writhe and wiggle around grunting and whimpering for sometime after his feeding. Now it didn't happen after every feeding, but most of them, especially at night. When I first noticed the change, my initial thought was, "maybe he ate too much" or "maybe I ate something that made him gassy" or "maybe I jiggled him around too much after his feeding." Typical mommy reasoning when you first notice something might be wrong with your child. In addition, Tanner has had some difficulty with his latch, so he would get frustrated, and cry while trying to nurse, causing him to gulp in air, thus making him spit up a lot after his feeding. So I thought that was the reason also. But after 2 weeks of the symptoms becoming more consistent, I discussed it with his pediatrician and we started him on Zantac this week. I have noticed a great improvement, especially today, so I am very pleased that we identified the problem and could make him comfortable. There's is nothing more difficult in being a parent than seeing your baby in pain.
At Tanner 6-8 week check up he was:
11lbs 5oz, 22 in. long
And he rolled over from stomach to back while laying on the examination table!! That was the 4th time I think!!
He received his first series of shots that day, and only cried briefly, maybe less than a minute. He was very fussy and irritable for the next 12 hrs or so but that was to be expected.
I can't believe my tiny but mighty little Tanner gained almost 6 lbs since he was born (he was 5lb 8oz. at his 4 day old appt)
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