Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Today I explained to T after he had shown some bad behavior that Santa is always watching to see if he is going to be a good boy or a bad boy, and that if he is not a good listener or is naughty he will not be rewarded with gifts and T responds:
"But Mommy, I have toys in my room already! Don't need toys!"
He is only 3 right?! My son so wise beyond his years, I really hope he does develop the idea and wonder of Santa Claus and the magic of Christmas. This will be the first year when he will be actually be able to grasp the idea behind it all and form memories of it. I think that he is a little traumatized by his Santa picture at the mall too! So right now he only knows that he could care less what Santa thinks of him or gives him! Ha! Ha!

1 comment:

Aleyta said...

Yeah, the whole sitting on santa's lap is kinda odd. Smart kid ;)