Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Caltrain field trip

This past Tuesday ended being our field trip day. We joined my friend Krissy and her 3 yr. old daughter Devon on a Caltrain Ride up to Mountain View for lunch. The trip up was about 30 min., we arrived before 11am and walked the 4 blocks of old downtown since none of the restaurants were open yet. We visited the Mountain View City Hall and CPA where the kids ran up and down some grassy hills, played by the huge fountain and climbed up and down stairs(always a crowd pleaser!). Then found a pet store where there were lots of lizards, geckos and turtles, big and small! Then off to a little Mexican restaurant for quesadillas and chips and back to the train. They both enjoyed their view from the 2nd level on the train, on the way back, but were super tuckered out from all that walking.

T and I also hung-out with Kim's kids on Monday. Here T is "holding" Alivia, he always asks to and whenever she cries or seems fussy, T gets concerned...very cute! He and Noah(2 yr. 9 mo) played with trains for nearly 2 hrs., actually Noah became distracted fairly quickly, but T loves their Geotrax train track and could play for hours without losing of the few instances! Then we picked up Avery from pre-school and met Krissy and Devon at the Spaghetti Factory...absolutely delicious fresh bread, and veggie lasagna however, not thrilled, I believe my own recipe may be better, surprisingly. We had a great lunch, it doesn't occur that often where we can have lunch at a restaurant, that was empty except for us, with most of the kids, and have grown-up conversation, feel relaxed and enjoy ourselves without constantly being in mommy mode. Lovely.

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