Sunday, February 15, 2009

Field Trip

A few weeks ago Kim and I took Talan and Noah on a ride on the Light Rail, which for our little boys, was a major treat! They each brought their matching Thomas the Train "pack-packs" filled with goodies, Noah had snacks, T had various toy animals and a train whistle, a little cumbersome for his little body to carry but he insisted on packing for the trip! Noah, at 2 1/2, was such a good train rider, enjoying just sitting and looking at the scenery out of the window. If T had his way he would want to get off at every station stop, as I believe he enjoys more seeing the trains pulling in and out of the station more than sitting in one, or it could have just been his particular energy level that day! Nevertheless, this was definitely a field trip that we will take again, very memorable.

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