Friday, February 13, 2009

Plans, Shmans!

Friday, we had planned on taking T to the IMAX theater at the Tech museum to see Prehistoric Creatures of the Deep - I had noticed a sign there a few weeks ago, and since T is obsessed with dinosaurs lately I knew he would love it. 15 min before we were to leave I decided to double check what the showtimes were (my memory is short-lived these days) and come to find out it is no longer showing, having been replaced by The Grand Canyon and Lewis & Clark - not for a 3 year old!
So off to the San Francisco Zoo we went, and we weren't disappointed! The rain held off on us the entire time, a little chilly but it could have been worse. The highlight for T were the Black Rhinos - on the endangered list, with only about 600 in the world today, and they are difficult to breed in captivity. We kept explaining to T how privileged we were to be able to visit animals like these. There was also a 3 week old baby giraffe named Bititi, in a nursery with her mom, so cute! The animals were quite active, as we also watched Grizzly Bears ham-it-up for our cameras, the tigers and lions were awake and moving about, and the peacocks were yelping. Then we ended with a carousel ride...we sure had an adventure on our family outing!

1 comment:

Aleyta said...

His face is priceless...just such a happy boy!! You're doing an amazing job!! Miss you guys xxoo