This week has been quite possibly been the craziest time at work in my 3 years at Kaiser. The swine flu has the public in a panic, understandably so, and everyone is convinced that they have it and need to be seen NOW. To give you an idea of how busy, on any average busy day for me at work the longest wait time for a patient to talk to me could be around 8 to 10 minutes, that's usually between 5:30-6:30 when parents are getting off work and picking up their sick kiddos. This Monday and every day since the waits have gotten up to 40 minutes and our patients are not happy about this. Parents are getting frustrated because if they want appointments there are none to be had as all the clinics are booking up way earlier in the day and there are only so many doctors and staff and clinics that are open. By the time I actually speak to the parent after 40 minutes of waiting, they are mad because they had to wait so long and blame their wait time on the reason there aren't appointments. And I feel badly for the parents who are calling for non swine flu related concerns that are caught in the mix. We ARE working overtime so it has nothing to do with Kaiser cutting back as most people like to yell at me about.
Today being Thursday is actually my Friday so I'm happy to for that.
I do need a real vacation, not a weekend, not an overnight... I need palm trees/ beach/ room service/ sunsets/ sleeping in/massage...Maui if I'm being honest...did I forget Jason? He could come if he wants! But who am I kidding, I'm a mommy now, I'll have one when he goes off to college! For now a quiet hour to myself at home while T naps is the most I can get. I hope Jason has a nice relaxing fishing trip in Tahoe Memorial weekend...I'm not bitter.
One super girly mama and two rough and tumble little boys makes for one amusing little adventure of a life
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Running on fumes today...
The little man is snotty! Started yesterday when he woke up but he was happy and not too bothered by the cold yet, but last night he was so miserable. He could NOT find a single position that helped his nose feel better. We ended up on the couch and he fell asleep officially about 3:45...yikes! Mommy on the other hand...well you know how that end works....not a wink with all the tossing & turning and awkward poistions to stay in so he would feel comfortable and not wake up. So today he won't be at swim class again, sucks. I'm not going to be an irresponsible parent and dip my sick snotty child in a pool full of kids!
T woke up in good spirits though, he's such a trooper, rarely ever is he sick, so here's to hoping it passes quicikly like all the others have!
Ahhh the joys of motherhood...I wouldn't change a thing, but the aftermath of the lack of sleep is a bit rough....I'm feeling it
T woke up in good spirits though, he's such a trooper, rarely ever is he sick, so here's to hoping it passes quicikly like all the others have!
Ahhh the joys of motherhood...I wouldn't change a thing, but the aftermath of the lack of sleep is a bit rough....I'm feeling it
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Spencer Ryley Foster
Our new nephew, Spencer, was born yesterday afternoon! T and I were lucky enough to be at the hospital when my sister-in-law had her c-section (thanks again Kim and Krissy for your understanding and schedule change!)
We arrived in Tracy early am yesterday so the boys could run around and play before heading to the hospital. Around 11:30 we headed over to Sutter and we spent some time with Jenn before she delivered. The boys were well behaved despite having to be contained in the hospital room, and became a little restless towards the end....children, waiting, hospitals=impatience! Just as we thought we would have to take the boys outside, Mike came through the doors holding baby Spencer and his big brothers were so excited to meet him!
The nurses were kind enough to let us go in to see the baby while he was measured and cleaned! Mitch was a very proud big brother, Thomas didn't know what to think of his "replacement" and Talan just wanted to hold his cousin!
Jas surprised us and arrived at the hospital shortly after Spencer's birth, having gotten off work early in Pleasanton so it was great to have our family all together to meet this new addition.
So now we have 4 little boys in the Warren/Foster clan to keep our lives exciting, loud, and action-packed!!
Pictures to come once I have time to download them....
We arrived in Tracy early am yesterday so the boys could run around and play before heading to the hospital. Around 11:30 we headed over to Sutter and we spent some time with Jenn before she delivered. The boys were well behaved despite having to be contained in the hospital room, and became a little restless towards the end....children, waiting, hospitals=impatience! Just as we thought we would have to take the boys outside, Mike came through the doors holding baby Spencer and his big brothers were so excited to meet him!
The nurses were kind enough to let us go in to see the baby while he was measured and cleaned! Mitch was a very proud big brother, Thomas didn't know what to think of his "replacement" and Talan just wanted to hold his cousin!
Jas surprised us and arrived at the hospital shortly after Spencer's birth, having gotten off work early in Pleasanton so it was great to have our family all together to meet this new addition.
So now we have 4 little boys in the Warren/Foster clan to keep our lives exciting, loud, and action-packed!!
Pictures to come once I have time to download them....
Unmotivated today
Finally caught up on "Grey's" episode from last Thursday....literally blubbered/cried/whimpered like a baby! Oh how I love that show!
I haven't watched any of my regular series for the last few weeks, they're all sitting in my DVR still...this is highly unusual as I typically catch up on everything at night after the boys are asleep.
Friday night J and I watched "What Happens in Vegas" with Cameron Diaz and Ashton Kutcher....I think I fell in lust with Ashton after that movie!
Apparently Sat night, I was so lame and fell asleep around 9 so J decided to watch Slumdog Millionaire without waking me up to watch it with him....he knew how much I wanted to see it, he couldn't wait for me?! And it is unlikely for me to watch any movie on my own once J has seen it...what Mom has the time to do that too?!
Today I woke up feeling unmotivated to do anything productive, I think T and I need a day to just chill out at home....I think that is the official plan.
I haven't watched any of my regular series for the last few weeks, they're all sitting in my DVR still...this is highly unusual as I typically catch up on everything at night after the boys are asleep.
Friday night J and I watched "What Happens in Vegas" with Cameron Diaz and Ashton Kutcher....I think I fell in lust with Ashton after that movie!
Apparently Sat night, I was so lame and fell asleep around 9 so J decided to watch Slumdog Millionaire without waking me up to watch it with him....he knew how much I wanted to see it, he couldn't wait for me?! And it is unlikely for me to watch any movie on my own once J has seen it...what Mom has the time to do that too?!
Today I woke up feeling unmotivated to do anything productive, I think T and I need a day to just chill out at home....I think that is the official plan.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
It really could have been a better day...
To start, yesterday T and I overslept, woke up just before 9am and missed his swim class. We NEVER sleep that late, typically being up around 6:30-7 so that was just unusual. And to miss a swim class really disappointed both of us since he has been making such great progress and enjoying himself.
We had an 11:30 lunch date with my friend Katherine and her adorable baby James, at Nordstrom's Bistro Cafe which should have been lovely and fairly uneventful. However, we ended up being late, as the morning resulted in a series of time-outs due to tantrums and poor behavior which drags out the getting ready process. Initially visiting Katherine was great, she is just so thoughtful and witty and always has a great perspective on things. She is currently performing in the Marquee show for SJCMT called "When You Wish" that my Mom and I had the pleasure of seeing this past weekend. It was an amazing show, and Katherine's solo of Mulan's "Reflection" was not short of incredible!
Our lunch was delicious, however at some point through lunch, T began to act-out in ways that are very out of character for him. We eat out in restaurants enough that he is generally in good behavior, cooperative, and content. But yesterday was different and I am not sure why. He stood on the seat many times, a big no, knees are appropriate which he knows. He had periods of being unacceptably loud, and worst of all, absolutely would not listen to me. He became deaf, he would stare at me as I told him sternly to show me the right behavior or quite honestly, to knock it off. Stare. Blink. Sly smile.
In general in this situation, it would have been most appropriate to leave the restaurant, but my struggle with this was that Katherine is only in town for a sort time, lives in LA, and it is a big effort for any Mom with a small baby to go anywhere, let alone have a nice lunch, so I really would have felt badly and bummed out that I would cut lunch off short because of T being difficult. To top it off when we were leaving lunch, T was rude on ornery, and refused to say goodbye to Katherine and her baby, which is a BIG NAUGHTY NO. This made me just so sad. What is up with my son? I have to say the last week or so had brought about a very different T...he has been whiny, tantrummy, DRAMA, appears to be deaf to my voice, and behaving very uncharacteristically.
To top off the day, I had been feeling slightly light-headed(you know where your head feels heavy and drowsy) recently most likely from my severe allergies which have resulted in an insane amout of head, sinus, post-nasal drip and ear congestion. So I drop of T to my Dad's and head on over to work which is less than 10 min. from my parent's house. On the way, I had episodes of dizziness - when it seems like everything is moving and spinning, and had to pull over a few times on my drive to let the feeling pass. Got to work, start walking up the stairs, dizziness hits me again, and I nearly faint on the stairs as I pass my friend and co-worker Josie. Ugghhh. The spinning sensation lasted what felt like forever, I don't really know how long, and I was not really in tune to what was going on. At some point many of my co-workers got me over to a couch and started treating me for shock, possibly dehydration, put my feet up and got some orange soda and water in me. I had also started hyperventilating, hands trembling, face and hands tingly, think I had a panic attack. Had them several times before but never had the severe dizziness to go with it. Somewhere around 5:30 when the dizziness subsides, my managers decided as is standard that as a precaution I head over to the ED for evaluation. I tried to argue out of this but for safety reasons and to determine what could have caused me to be dizzy and nearly faint. I reluctantly was brought over to the ED. Where they then triaged me over to urgent care where I waited until close to 7pm, MD ran an EKG and did a general work-up.
End result - MD believes I had vertigo/dizziness due to an inner ear problem from the large amount of drainage from my allergies. The inner ear, specifically the labrynth is very sensitive to changes in pressure and a slight alterations in fluid that if affected can send a signal to the brain altering the sense of balance and equilibrium. Add to that the fact that I had symptoms of dehydration, the heat, and only ate one meal yesterday, he says it was bound to happen if I kept on that track. And I had a panic attack.
Great. I missed a day of work because I almost fainted, am now feeling embarressed at all the attention this apparently got at work, pissed that I didn't work at all, spent 3 hrs in the ED, and today feel drained but better. Still have head congestion but now am on decongestants and antihistamines to dry up the fluid. And I am making a better effort today to drink lots of water and eat.
Here's to looking at a better day ahead.
We had an 11:30 lunch date with my friend Katherine and her adorable baby James, at Nordstrom's Bistro Cafe which should have been lovely and fairly uneventful. However, we ended up being late, as the morning resulted in a series of time-outs due to tantrums and poor behavior which drags out the getting ready process. Initially visiting Katherine was great, she is just so thoughtful and witty and always has a great perspective on things. She is currently performing in the Marquee show for SJCMT called "When You Wish" that my Mom and I had the pleasure of seeing this past weekend. It was an amazing show, and Katherine's solo of Mulan's "Reflection" was not short of incredible!
Our lunch was delicious, however at some point through lunch, T began to act-out in ways that are very out of character for him. We eat out in restaurants enough that he is generally in good behavior, cooperative, and content. But yesterday was different and I am not sure why. He stood on the seat many times, a big no, knees are appropriate which he knows. He had periods of being unacceptably loud, and worst of all, absolutely would not listen to me. He became deaf, he would stare at me as I told him sternly to show me the right behavior or quite honestly, to knock it off. Stare. Blink. Sly smile.
In general in this situation, it would have been most appropriate to leave the restaurant, but my struggle with this was that Katherine is only in town for a sort time, lives in LA, and it is a big effort for any Mom with a small baby to go anywhere, let alone have a nice lunch, so I really would have felt badly and bummed out that I would cut lunch off short because of T being difficult. To top it off when we were leaving lunch, T was rude on ornery, and refused to say goodbye to Katherine and her baby, which is a BIG NAUGHTY NO. This made me just so sad. What is up with my son? I have to say the last week or so had brought about a very different T...he has been whiny, tantrummy, DRAMA, appears to be deaf to my voice, and behaving very uncharacteristically.
To top off the day, I had been feeling slightly light-headed(you know where your head feels heavy and drowsy) recently most likely from my severe allergies which have resulted in an insane amout of head, sinus, post-nasal drip and ear congestion. So I drop of T to my Dad's and head on over to work which is less than 10 min. from my parent's house. On the way, I had episodes of dizziness - when it seems like everything is moving and spinning, and had to pull over a few times on my drive to let the feeling pass. Got to work, start walking up the stairs, dizziness hits me again, and I nearly faint on the stairs as I pass my friend and co-worker Josie. Ugghhh. The spinning sensation lasted what felt like forever, I don't really know how long, and I was not really in tune to what was going on. At some point many of my co-workers got me over to a couch and started treating me for shock, possibly dehydration, put my feet up and got some orange soda and water in me. I had also started hyperventilating, hands trembling, face and hands tingly, think I had a panic attack. Had them several times before but never had the severe dizziness to go with it. Somewhere around 5:30 when the dizziness subsides, my managers decided as is standard that as a precaution I head over to the ED for evaluation. I tried to argue out of this but for safety reasons and to determine what could have caused me to be dizzy and nearly faint. I reluctantly was brought over to the ED. Where they then triaged me over to urgent care where I waited until close to 7pm, MD ran an EKG and did a general work-up.
End result - MD believes I had vertigo/dizziness due to an inner ear problem from the large amount of drainage from my allergies. The inner ear, specifically the labrynth is very sensitive to changes in pressure and a slight alterations in fluid that if affected can send a signal to the brain altering the sense of balance and equilibrium. Add to that the fact that I had symptoms of dehydration, the heat, and only ate one meal yesterday, he says it was bound to happen if I kept on that track. And I had a panic attack.
Great. I missed a day of work because I almost fainted, am now feeling embarressed at all the attention this apparently got at work, pissed that I didn't work at all, spent 3 hrs in the ED, and today feel drained but better. Still have head congestion but now am on decongestants and antihistamines to dry up the fluid. And I am making a better effort today to drink lots of water and eat.
Here's to looking at a better day ahead.
Monday, April 20, 2009
More from Twin Lakes
First Official Dentist Appointment
On Friday April 9 T went to his first official dentist appointment. Prior to this, his teeth had been monitored by his pediatrician and his check-ups. Although the recommendation is to have your baby seen by a dentist when their first teeth erupt, I decided that was unnecessary, and upon the suggestion of our family dentist Dr. Katherina White, 3 was a perfect age.
Once in the waiting room T was very excited to see the large tropical fish tank in the waiting room...the fish kept his attention while we waited for him to be called back. I can't help but always think of Finding Nemo when I see him looking at fish tanks..."FISHY, Why are you sleeping, Wake up!"
T was very brave and eager to see how all of the tools and gadgets worked. The only time he was unsure was when they began to lower the chair back, he proceeded to turn into a stiff log, refusing to lay down, and not entirely sitting up straight, so instead he just sat awkwardly straining to get comfortable! This was a funny sight, but I explained that if he would lay down in the chair as Dr. White asked, when we were done we could go look at the fish tank again. That was enough for him and from then on he was very cooperative. He had a great dental exam, she was even able to polish his teeth and floss. Initially Dr. White explained that at these first appointments they really don't expect too much from the children, and typically only give a tour of the office and show them how the tools work and what everything sounds like, but T was so cooperative that she decided to proceed with an actual dental cleaning.
He received an A grade- no plaque or signs of cavities or decay, of course! He has always been a good tooth-brusher. She did give me the expectation that although he has a beautiful "Hollywood smile" with nice white teeth that are close together (typically toddlers have gaps between their baby teeth), that this means when his adult teeth come in there won't be enough room-in other words he has a teeny mouth like me and will definitely require braces.

Once in the waiting room T was very excited to see the large tropical fish tank in the waiting room...the fish kept his attention while we waited for him to be called back. I can't help but always think of Finding Nemo when I see him looking at fish tanks..."FISHY, Why are you sleeping, Wake up!"
T was very brave and eager to see how all of the tools and gadgets worked. The only time he was unsure was when they began to lower the chair back, he proceeded to turn into a stiff log, refusing to lay down, and not entirely sitting up straight, so instead he just sat awkwardly straining to get comfortable! This was a funny sight, but I explained that if he would lay down in the chair as Dr. White asked, when we were done we could go look at the fish tank again. That was enough for him and from then on he was very cooperative. He had a great dental exam, she was even able to polish his teeth and floss. Initially Dr. White explained that at these first appointments they really don't expect too much from the children, and typically only give a tour of the office and show them how the tools work and what everything sounds like, but T was so cooperative that she decided to proceed with an actual dental cleaning.
He received an A grade- no plaque or signs of cavities or decay, of course! He has always been a good tooth-brusher. She did give me the expectation that although he has a beautiful "Hollywood smile" with nice white teeth that are close together (typically toddlers have gaps between their baby teeth), that this means when his adult teeth come in there won't be enough room-in other words he has a teeny mouth like me and will definitely require braces.

Sunday, April 19, 2009
More from Easter
Here we are at my Grandmother's previous apartment, and T is helping us pack by being the "director" - he was very helpful in instructing all of us where we should put boxes and made sure nothing was left behind.
T really enjoys cooking and baking with his Pasha. They baked confetti cupcakes together and much to our surprise, he stuck his finger in the batter and LOVED it...he didn't want to let the bowl go! Momentous occasion in my mind, my child who has texture issues and typically dislikes anything sweet, licked batter from his finger, and even ate half a cupcake when they were done!

The Saturday night before Easter, after a busy day of packing at my grandmother's we dyed eggs at Papa and Pasha's house. T went shirtless so as not to get permanent dye on his's just easier this way, fancy bibs, aprons for kids, etc. is too much effort in my opinion! Unfortunately the way Easter Sunday played out with more packing and T spending the afternoon with his cousins, he was not able to go hunting for the eggs he made, but Papa enjoyed them the next week. 
Crazy busy month
3D glasses for Monsters vs.Aliens! Cute movie, entertaining, I think T liked it more than Jason and me, we actually found ourselves dozing throughout but I think that was because T came bouncing in to our room at 5:30 that morning ready to start his day! We took him to swim class, than Scrambles for a DELICIOUS breakfast, and off to the movies. This was a really fun day for the 3 of us just making plans on the fly.
Oakland Zoo for playdate Tuesdays with Krissy and Devon!

The Gibbons were super active, and LOUD!

This time its is actually a yawn not a ROAR!
So excited to be on the Tiger roller coaster!

First Guppy swim session! It felt very odd not being in the pool with him, as all of last spring and summer, due to T being only 2, I was required to swim with him. I know, Kristen cut the cord already!
His swim class includes 2 boys about 5-6 months older than him, yet much smaller than T surprisingly, and 1 girl. He immediately became friends with one boy Drew and every class they find their little Thomas train or dinosaur water toys to ram in to each other while they wait their turn. The other boys seem a bit more comfortable going all the way under the water than T but I am hoping these more independent classes will get him to that comfort level.
The first class he was so eager and excited to go in the pool, he was a very attentive listener to his instructor Miss Lisa, put his face (ie. nose, mouth, eyelashes!!!) in the water for her several times, and attempted to float on his back while she held him. T has never like getting his eyes wet, they are super sensitive to not only water but sunlight, smoke etc. so this swim class will hopefully support him in getting more comfortable in the water at least. He will not wear the goggles I bought him because he says they hurt his eyes too, so not worth that fight.
At subsequent classes, T has made huge progress already, holding his entire face under water for 5 seconds and relaxing for Miss Lisa when she has him float on his back

The Friday before Easter, we visited Shelley and Nick and their new baby boy Dominic. T wasn't too interested in meeting Dominic when we first got there, as he was more excited to play with their dog Evie in the backyard - Nick was kind enough to take some time to play with T outside even if he probably would have preferred some quiet time to himself for a short moment!
We had a wonderful visit together, it was a joy seeing Shelley as a new are such a natural Shel! Dominic slept the entire time- and I have to say I did feel bad about this as I am a big believer in when the baby sleeps you sleep rule! Shortly before we left, we introduced T to Dominic officially and T was eager to hold him...he was very gentle and careful with the baby and was very proud...which lasted about 30 seconds! Here are the highlights...
My baby holding a baby......oh my, where does the time go...this truly in my mind was only yesterday, although T's head was WAAYY bigger as a newborn...I was holding Dominic staring at how precious and new he is and all I could think was, "Why couldn't T have had a cute small normal sized head like this?!"

Now on to Easter....
Papa Warren lining the boys up before letting them loose on their Easter Egg hunt
T in action....

T and Cousin Thomas perusing through their Easter treasures
So Proud
Look at that form
He has his eye on the ball...
And it's a ground right down center field!...
Wow where has time gone?! It's almost the end of April already...where did March go?! It seems these last few weeks have been unusually jam-packed with activities and I haven't had the shortest moment to update our blog or even check emails for that matter...I do only have one child right?!
Highlights of this month include T's first official dental appointment with Dr. White, our first playdate with my a good friend from Lincoln, Katherine and her adorable son Jimmy, visiting Shelley's new baby Dominic who was born on April 2, seeing Monsters vs. Aliens in 3D with Daddy when Jason had some unexpected time off for a few weeks, the start of swim class where T is an official "Guppy" and swims without Mommy now, kite-flying with Papa, a few beach trips at the last minute to enjoy our beautiful weather, and a very last minute apartment move for my Grandmother this last weekend, and of course Easter! Pheww!
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