Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Unmotivated today

Finally caught up on "Grey's" episode from last Thursday....literally blubbered/cried/whimpered like a baby! Oh how I love that show!

I haven't watched any of my regular series for the last few weeks, they're all sitting in my DVR still...this is highly unusual as I typically catch up on everything at night after the boys are asleep.

Friday night J and I watched "What Happens in Vegas" with Cameron Diaz and Ashton Kutcher....I think I fell in lust with Ashton after that movie!

Apparently Sat night, I was so lame and fell asleep around 9 so J decided to watch Slumdog Millionaire without waking me up to watch it with him....he knew how much I wanted to see it, he couldn't wait for me?! And it is unlikely for me to watch any movie on my own once J has seen it...what Mom has the time to do that too?!

Today I woke up feeling unmotivated to do anything productive, I think T and I need a day to just chill out at home....I think that is the official plan.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My own hubby (J) watched "Quantum of Solace" without me and reported that it was just okay. Same with Slumdog -- I haven't seen it either! But hey, Oscar movies come and go, right? There's always next March! :) Kate Winslet is pretty great. I recommend anything with her in it.