Monday, March 15, 2010

Let's play ball!

(Picures all taken by Dave Warren)

Here come the Yankees
Talan is 4th from the end of the line

Getting in position...

Look at that form....

Base hit!

Daddy trying to get him out of his funk!

Tanner is officially 9 days old today! The last week has been a whirlwind to say the least - definitely not how I expected the week after giving birth to be! After Talan was born, I don't think I left the house for 3 weeks, until I had to suck it up and do some Christmas shopping! But with second baby's, everyone was right - there's no slowing down, we have to keep going when we have an older child. So the day after we came home from the hospital, it feels like it's been Go Go Go ever since. Jason was able to spend the first week home with us, which he was unable to do last time, and that has made a world of difference for me in terms of getting help and making sure Talan gets lots of needed attention. The two of them had a lot of Daddy and T time -going to Golfland, bowling, T-ball, and just spending quality time together!

Talan had swim class Wednesday morning and I didn't want to feel like I was missing any part of his special activities , so Jason and I took him together. Afterwards, of course neither Jason or I had eaten that morning and were starving so we went to Scramblz with Jason's mom for late breakfast. By this time Tanner was starving too so of course I had to nurse and try not to get my pancakes with drippy syrup all over the baby! Oh the joys of motherhood:) That night Jason's parents made us a delicious dinner and visited with T and T(or TNT as Jason has dubbed our boys!) then watched Planet Earth with us.

My parents have been over almost every day helping out with everything...I would be lost without my Mom and Dad let me tell you! My mom has been cooking up a storm for us, doing some grocery shopping, and helping me stay organized. My dad has been getting to some much needed home repairs at our place - he can fix and repair anything and always offers to do these things for us. Partly it's because I think he knows when I ask Jason to do them, they won't get done in any timely manner, and also mostly because I'm his daughter and he loves me! He's folded our laundry, mopped floors, done touch-up painting, fixed broken drawers, installed name it, my Dad has it all under control! And I am more than thankful for all of his effort. My parents have taken Talan for a few hours on some days so I can take a nap, and when we have been over at their house, they can keep Talan occupied forever just so I can rest a bit. I couldn't have survived this first week without them! Love you M & D!

Saturday was Talan's Opening Ceremonies for T-Ball and his first official T-ball game. I had no idea it would be an all day event and was extremely fatigued and uncomfortable after the 4 hours of watching was over. But as I said before, I couldn't have missed this either as I would have had such motherly guilt if I had not gone. Words can not describe how unbelievably adorable my son looked in his "Yankees" uniform marching out on the field with his team and banner! He had a bit of a rough beginning to the game however, as he was a little annoyed that it took nearly 2 hours to get through the opening ceremonies before even getting to playing ball. And for a 4 year old, sitting still for 2 hours listening to adults talk really is a test of their patience! Add to that the fact that by the time they were ready to start playing it was 11:30 and he was ready for lunch, as he had woken up at 6:30 that day, he was not a happy child - Didn't want to warm up, didn't want to do drills - just was classic Talan. The minute he got up to bat though, he was over it, and he had a great first game. He even caught a ground ball in the second inning, shouting as loud as he could "I got it!" and had the biggest grin on his face!

Sunday, I had it planned for a few months that I would take Talan to the opening day of Happy Hollow...and so I did, but man, if I would have known the pandemonium craziness that would have ensued, we probably would have waited. Jason was off hunting pheasant that day, so my sister, who had just returned from a week long business trip, was kind enough to come along with us, and thank goodness, because I never would have been able to navigate through the crowds without her! Tanner was a trooper just hanging out and sleeping in the sling. Afterwards Talan had his T-Ball team pictures that afternoon, but of course I had just barely washed his uniform(ie. WHITE baseball pants full of mud) that morning and still hadn't sewn on his league patch to his jersey so that was all done at the last minute, and we barely made it to pictures on time. His team was standing at the front of the line when we arrived-Phew is all I can say!
This week Jason is back to work, and I have been instructed by my parents to rest more. So they will be taking Talan for part of the days to get him out to enjoy the beautiful weather we have in store this week. And I am going to take it easy...or at least try!

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